Strategic Benefits for Today and Tomorrow
Helping Families and Business Owners in Southern California Since 1975 Our Services Are: *Annuities *Life Insurance *Individual and Group Health Insurance *Disability Income Insurance *Long Term Care Insurance *Retirement & Pension Planning
Can Home Improvements Lower Your Tax Bill? It Depends
Most home improvements are not tax deductible, but certain types of projects might help reduce your tax burden in other ways.
Setting a Retirement Savings Goal
Only 51% of workers or their spouses have tried to estimate the savings they would need to live comfortably in retirement. This article offers a simple worksheet to help calculate a savings target.
Will You Work Beyond Traditional Retirement Age?
Does your income strategy beyond traditional retirement age include receiving a paycheck? This article looks at the advantages and disadvantages of working later in life.
HOT TOPIC: What Stubborn Inflation Could Mean for the U.S. Economy
This article looks at some of the reasons behind the inflation numbers, the likely effect on Fed decisions, and the potential economic impact.
Mortgage Refinancing
Determine whether you should consider refinancing your mortgage.
Home Affordability
Estimate of the maximum amount of financing you can expect to get when you begin house hunting.